Well, I’m officially back. I actually arrived on the plane last Monday. However, it took a while to catch up on many projects around the house and work. I also had to get myself back on the Eastern time zone. I still need to do some additional follow up on my China experience. I’ll also be putting all of the posts about my experience in China onto a separate web page. I did want to share a little bit of an overview though.
I’m truly glad to be an American. One that lives in America. The Chinese teachers were terrific people. I truly enjoyed working with them. There were so many commonalities between them and the many American teachers with whom I’ve worked. The Chinese teachers are dedicated people who truly care about their students (just like the American teachers that I’ve worked with).
However, I now truly appreciate fresh, clean air. I love seeing the blue sky. Breathing in deeply is a pleasure. Fresh, clean water that one can drink straight from the faucet is now a joy in life.
I also truly, truly appreciate rest rooms with soap. And hand towels (or hand dryers). And toilet paper.
I’ll be updating the rest of the trip soon. I’m hard at work catching up on work items and enjoying the many pleasures of Michigan.
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