Shoe buying

So, let’s say, hypothetically, that you are buying shoes. Someone says “What size are those?” Then proceeds to say, “I ordered and paid for those.”

Now, understand that you’ve been shopping for a bit. You’ve tried on a few pairs. These shoes were just in the bin. You’ve spent quite a few minutes trying on shoes. The other person has likewise been there for a while. Not a word.

Where does the outrage over “I deserve this over you” foster and grow? These were not special shoes for a special occasion. Rather, these were pretty generic shoes.

Now, we could’ve said, “Go ahead, take these”. But we didn’t. Quite frankly, I didn’t see any reason to. The other person wasn’t polite about this. There wasn’t a friendly discussion. Just the accusation that somehow we were taking something 1 that she felt the right to.

Hamilton – Round 2

I ushered for Hamilton a second time. Not only was it just as enjoyable as the first time, but even better. The second time (my third time seeing the play), I picked up additional nuances. If you haven’t seen the play and have a chance to see it, go.


I have a couple of fountain pens. I enjoy them tremendously. I really like using the proper tools. A fountain pen just feels different. Writing becomes more a joy.

I took a few minutes to clean out my pens. Sadly, I didn’t re-ink them all. (I really use them on a limited basis. No need to have a ton of pens inked.) I generally keep three pens inked and ready to go. I carry these three pens in a wonderful pouch that one of my daughters made for me.

Sometimes it is simple things that bring joy.


Moodle badge

I earned a badge. I have been participating in the MoodleNet project. I have come to understand how important and powerful badges can be.

Read Seed

I’ve had the opportunity to work with Justin Hunt on Read Seed. Actually, one of my co-workers has done most of the work. It fun to be a part of a great project. Read Seed will allow teachers to markup the reading of students.

Here’s roughly how it works. A student reads a passage in Moodle (we integrate with Moodle, but it can work outside of Moodle as well). The teacher gets to identify the passage. The student works independently reading the passage. Read Seed will then grade the passage using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The teacher get the recording of the student and the grading of the AI. Then, the teacher can also mark up the types of mistakes that the student is making. This is great and powerful stuff.

Read Seed is currently available for free for 365 days. You read that right – 365 days free. Check it out.

1 Turns out, these were not the shoes that said person thought that she had ordered. Still, no need to be rude.