While I’m working on a full write up, I thought that I’d share a Moodle opportunity with you. Elementary teachers seem to spend a good bit of time on spelling words and tests. I thought that this could be streamlined.

Basically, this involves creating a gapfill quiz question (actually, as many questions as you need). Record the spelling word by reading it in the question text area (use the microphone button to record). Enter the letters of the spelling word in the Question text area (each letter goes between a square bracket), paste the entire alphabet in Distractors area (copy and paste the string below:) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,o,n,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z

Duplicate the question, re-record the new word, replace the new letters for the new spelling word (between the square brackets: [ ] ) in the question text area.

*Note that I created additional blank spots by typing the opening square bracket [ and the close square bracket ] with nothing between them – if you add a space, students would need to type that space.

I have a full write up is currently in development.