I find RSS very useful. I utilize Feedly to gather RSS feeds. (Basically, instead of going to a variety of websites to see if something has been updated, new updates come directly to the RSS feed reader. (This is kind of like Facebook but without the invasion of privacy and putting me in control instead of Facebook. Of course, this would mean that other people would have to set up a site to post their content. It would also mean that other people would have control of their content.)

Anyway, one of my categories is Comics. I enjoy reading comics. Usually, this is a late-at-night activity for me. I’ve used Dark Gate Comic Slurper for years. However, I noticed the other night that there were no new comics.

I waited a day (or two, it’s a busy time of year). In checking Dark Gate Comics on the web, I get a 500 error. Not good. Either Dark Gate is gone, or something is happening.

So, off I go to find alternatives. This is where I found Comics RSS. Comics RSS looks to have most of the comics that I like to read (I enjoy a mix of classics and modern comics). One advantage is Comics RSS is that each comic is on a separate feed. (Dark Gate Comic Slurper would create one feed with all of the comics that you picked). This will make it easier to add and delete individual comics. (This really wasn’t that hard with Dark Gate).

Comics are back. Now, I’ve got some catching up to do.