
I’ve been listening to Josh Ritter quite a bit lately. Great music, great lyrics. I’ve really had “Joy to You Baby”, “Hopeful”, “All Some Kind of Dream”, “Showboat” and more playing on a regular rotation. Josh Ritter’s music brings me true joy.

Josh manages to remain ever hopeful and positive even when life seems tough. He has largely avoided a political stance until recently. The events, the mood of what is going on, has called him to action. Was It All Some Kind of Dream is his response to being human in our current environment. A few of the powerful lyrics from that song:

There was a time when we were them
Just as now they all are we
Was there an hour when we took them in?

There was a time when we held them close
And weren’t so cruel, low, and mean
And we did good unto the least of those

There was a time when we chose our sides
And we refused to live between
We rose to fight for what we knew was right

Generally, though Josh Ritter speaks on a more mundane, personal level. He has certainly seen his share of strife (a well publicized marriage and divorce), but remains a positive force in the world. Give his music a listen.

I’ll be heading off to see his “A Book of Gold Thrown Open” tour in a month, I really wish it was coming to a venue closer to me, but it will be worth the trip.

Big Brother is Watching…

I had the opportunity to go to a presentation on “Big Brother is Watching, But Should He”. This was focused on schools and camera surveillance. Interesting times that we live in. The jist of the presentation was that we don’t really have a choice. Cameras are here to stay, but we should be wise and in control of where and when those cameras are available.

Update Frustrations


I updated a Mac. The process took while. Then, then, then, a problem. The update wouldn’t complete. A bit of digging let me know that a memory module was bad. Ah, but which one. The notice seemed to indicate slot 2 was bad ( I have 4 memory slots in that computer). So, I pull the memory module from slot 2. Restart. Run update. Nope. Replace memory in slot 2. Remove memory from slot 3. Run update. Nope. Replace memory in slot 3. Remove memory from slot 4. Run update. Nope. Replace memory in slot 4. Remove memory from slot 1. Run update. Success. Now, remember each of these steps take several minutes to accomplish. I’m doing this in between meetings and other responsibilities. This turns into a two day process.


Naturally, I couldn’t just update my Mac. I also had to update my PC. Oh, and also my Virtual Machine PC as well. (I find it most efficient to generally use my Mac and a PC on a Virtual Machine within the Mac, but I have a separate boxed PC to use as well). I ran into several issues with the PC update as well. However, I mostly just deleted the PC and reinstalled from FOG.

The 1930’s

I’ve been reading lots of articles relating to comparisons between today and the 1930’s. If you aren’t familar with the history of the United States and the world in the 1930’s, please take some time to review. The 1930’s led to the growth of fascism. This also led to the literal destruction of a vast number of real human beings. People died by the millions. It wasn’t a singular event that led to that result, but a slow drip of decisions. Obviously, today is not a perfect corrolary to the 30’s. Times are different. The economy of the United States is in a different place (though there is concern about the amount of debt). But many attitudes are scarily similar.


I’m working on a write up for spelling within Moodle. I hope to have this done soon. The key here is to free up teachers and empower students to take control of their learning.

Oscar Shorts Nominations

I went to see the Oscar Nominated Shorts. Much easier on they pyschice than last year. I already wrote that up as a separate post.Oscar Nominated Shorts