This is an open letter. I’ve been hearing of a couple of potential state-wide committees (or task forces) to look at continuing the work of learning online. (I’ve even been asked to participate in a couple of them.) Essentially, they want to look at several things:

  • OER
  • Effectiveness of Online Learning
  • Success of students
  • District sharing

These are all things that I’ve been advocating for years. I understand that these are changes that are hard, require vision, and lots of work. The payoff (increased student learning) is definitely worth the work.

Although I’ll be leaving the State of Michigan soon, I hope to continue this work (with a renewed focus, perspective, and connections). Thus, my work will move to another state and/or nation-wide.

Here though is my request. Please take up the mantle. Someone will be replacing me in my current position. I’m hoping that that person will continue on with the work. But, we need a real movement. We need lots of educators participating.

There are a variety of steps that you can take. Learn about OER (Open Education Resources). Learn about effective teaching on-line (this is very different than using “shiny” tools.) Ask how your district is sharing materials (hopefully OER) with other districts. Once you are ready, advocate!

I appreciate all the work that so many educators have undertaken. We have a unique opportunity to make some real changes. These are changes that were appropriate before COVID changed things. These are things that will be appropriate after we return from the COVID restrictions.

*Image from the The U.S. National Archives: (Link to original image).