Outside step
This week I tackled the step outside. In our backyard, there had been an inground pool. There is a path with pavers and two steps to the still existing pool deck on the ground. However, the step was incredibly narrow. This made it dangerous to walk with anything in your hands. I had to figure out how to square up the step and then elongate the step. Turns out the two steps were poured in place and heavy.
Fortunately, I was able to get the steps in place. I then added pavers as supports and used the pavers to create a step that is 16 additional inches wide.
This last week was break week. I didn’t do hardly any work at all. Rather, I did get some things done around the house. Rm was off to Michigan for a shower for a friend.
I had to make a threshold for the living room to dining room transition as that is an unusual length. I got the steps done (see above). I also painted the curtain holder (we have a window that goes all the wall to a wall, so we had to be creative with installing the curtain rod) and patched and painted where I had installed a screw for a picture.
I’ve started working on building a cabinet for the kitchen. This is turning out to be a learning experience.
After over a year away from running, for a variety of reasons, I’m trying to re-establish the running habit. Turns out that hills make things that much harder. It’s a slow start, but I’m working on building up my endurance again.
Hazel – Ninja Dog
I was doing some work outside and had Hazel outside with me. I just saw her on the bench, as usual, a spot she likes. I went back to working. A couple minutes later, I went to check on her. Not on the bench. Not on the stairs. Not running around. I checked the garage, not there.
Panic ensues. I start calling her and looking for her. The gates are still closed. I check the cemetery, figuring that is where she usually goes for a walk. No Hazel. Now I’m really panicking. I look around where we usually walk her. I’m stuck as I’m afraid to look too far in case she comes home (I’m the only one home). Yet, I also know that time is of the essence. The longer she is gone, the further she could go.
In looking, I see a police officer (alright, the police officer). He says that he will look for her.
I call Rm to let her know. As soon as I make that call and start explaining, who comes running up the street? That’s right – Hazel. Thankfully safe and sound.
The rest of the day is spent purchasing some additional fencing, checking all areas of the fencing where she could’ve gotten out, and installing said purchased fencing so that she can’t go under gaps.
Pimorini Keybow2040
A great gift from my daughter, the pimorni keybow2040 is essentially a wonderful keyboard extension. It is completely programmable.
I’m still researching exactly how I want to use this. It is a fun, wonderful addition though.
French Braid
Anne Tyler released a new book: French Braid. It is wonderful! I think that this is one of her best books of late, and that’s saying something. Anne Tyler writes about interesting characters. French Braid is more so about a family. This book has all the wonderful characters and imagery that one comes to expect from Anne Tyler. The reader is drawn into their world. It was especially easy for me to relate the Garrett family. Across the generations, the idea of family and how that plays out is fascinating. I can’t recommend this one highly enough. Go read it now.

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