
Pleasant Pond

This was a really nice spot. There is kind of like a river that runs around the edge. Very smooth to kayak on. Rm and I had a nice time.

Great Moose Lake

This was an easy spot to get to. Daughter 1, a friend of hers, and I had a good time. Great Moose Lake is pretty wide. We headed, at a leisurely pace, out toward an island. This was the first time I took my camera as well. i didn’t get a great many good pictures, but I do feel confident in taking the camera in the future.

Swan Lake

Rm, Daughter 2, and I met up at Swan Lake. The Lake was fine, but there were too many motorized craft. It was great to see Daughter 2.


One of Daughter 1 friends went kayaking with us. She addressed me as “Sir”. I told her to please call me “Troy”, or most anything else but “late for dinner”. I wanted to use humor a bit to let her know that I was totally fine without the honorific. I totally get why. She has respect for her elders. She is also a Doctor. In a different setting, the dynamic would be very different. The context is really important here. I could just as well be meeting her where she was the Doctor and I would be using the honorifics.

Summer Projects

This is the first summer that I’ve had off in over 10 years. Since we’ve moved into a new (old) house, there is lots to do. We’ve been here a year now, and I’m behind where I really wanted to be. I’ve gotten a couple of rooms painted (and installed beadboard in one), but there are many rooms left to go.

I’m working on the hallway and stairs right now. It really does make a difference to get things painted.

I’m also getting quotes on tiling the kitchen and painting the shutters. Ah, the joys of home ownership.