Educator, Thinker, Consultant

Month: November 2023

Weekly Update 2023-10


I’m attending (and presenting at) Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference.


My presentation was on H5P & Me (you can see it with the link).

I like where the presentation is at this point. I’ve presented this a few times with lots of changes. It is now at a point where there is enough flexibility with solid content.


Well, if there was any question at all, AI is THE topic in education. I really should’ve presented on AI at this conference.

So, naturally, I attended a session on AI. It was fine. Nothing earth-shattering, but some good perspectives.

Of course, this is why AI sessions are so popular. There is more that we don’t know than we do. At least we think so. We’re really


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The offspring were both in the house. We had a great time.

Holiday Season

The Holiday season has kind of officially begun. That is, I decided to put up the outside lights before a full frost, frozen ground situation.

Search Creative Commons

Thanks to the wonderful Alan Levine (@cogdog), I can now type gcc in my URL bar (then hit the tab key) in Chrome to invoke a search of CC licensed images.

You can too.

(Please head over to Alan Levine’s site to read his write up. For me, I’m posting the actual search engine code needed.)

H5P Presentation

Check out my presentation: “Open Source H5P and Me” from the Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference.


Learn how to find, create, and share FREE interactive digital activities using the open-source project H5P. Interactive video, Word completion, Choose your own adventure, Cornell Notes, Dictation, Put images into order, Students identifying words, Students answering verbally, and more are possible.

Below is a quick movie of the slides. This will definitely make more sense if you’ve seen the presentation as I tend to use images and talk about things.

If you’d like to check out some of the examples of H5P, you can head over to the MasterMoodle Moodle site. Click the login button in the top right. You can create an account. Use the enrollment key of CMTC23.

Weekly Update 2023-09

AI Art

I started another AI Art session. This one is with a “challenging” class of all 8th grade boys. We’ve had a minute to come to grips with my expectations.


The Bronco had a voluntary recall. I scheduled the service a couple of weeks ago. We arrived to drop off the Bronco on the night before. Upon arriving at the dealer to drop it off, my wife waved me over to let me know that there was still cold air coming out of the vents (we’d driven far enough for the air to have warmed up). So, I left a note on the drop-off slip about the cold air.
I got a call at the end of the day. The recall was all set, but the cold air was the issue of the water pump failing. Bad news, the water pump is on backorder and not available until the end of the month. Then, we just did one last week under an “emergency” and got the part in two days (uh oh, now it sounds like a more common issue). The timing couldn’t have been better in one respect. Apparently, the water pump led to the loss of anti-freeze. So, because of the recall, I was able to get the issue addressed without major damage.


Since the Bronco is still in the shop, a spot is open in the garage. So, out I went to move my little old Focus into the garage for a nice warm overnight stay (yea, no scrapping windows). Er, except the Focus wasn’t starting. Being old and having experience, I knew immediately that the battery needed replacement. I pulled out the Mustang and gave the Focus a jump (confirming the battery issue).

In the morning, I jumped the Focus again and headed off the fix-it shop. Upon arriving, I asked if they had time to replace a battery. (Why not replace it myself you ask? I’ve had the battery replaced once and it is tucked under the vents and crammed in.)


I took a day to prepare for winter. The patio table has been put away. The flower pots on the deck have been relocated to the shed. Markers to line the driveway for snow removal have been put into place. Heat mats for the steps out the back door have been installed.


Every once in a while, we like to head off to somewhere we haven’t been. Kennebunkport was the choice this week.
Kennebunkport was a nice visit. We found some nice shops and a wonderful beach. Since it is after Labor Day, there were several dogs running around the beach. There was a nice coffee shop, a vinegar shop, and more.
Kennebunkport will be on our return list.


The Vault was this weekend. Since it is after Halloween, the focus was Christmas (insert eye roll here). We ended up purchasing a bi-level tray for the kitchen and a serving tray.


The kitchen is finally tiled. After waiting overnight for the tile to fully dry, I reinstalled the appliances:

  • Dishwasher
  • Stove
  • Refrigerator
    D1 swung by to help me relocate and “nail” down the island. After having the island up on dollys for quite a long time, the island now seems low. I’ll get used to it, probably pretty quickly, but right now it just seems low.

I still need to clean up the cabinets and refinish at least one.


This November 7th was voting day for Maine. On the ballot were eight citizen initiatives. I made sure that I voted.


Since my wonderful wife and I enjoy movies, I’ve subscribed to Delphi’s Screening Room. The latest movie available was Shoeshine (1946). This is an Italian movie with subtitles.


First bit of snow this morning. Not enough to “stick”, but counts as first snow.

Week Note 2023-08

Week note appears to truly be a misnomer. This is the first one in a while.

Kitchen Redo

The kitchen floor was scheduled for this coming week. Monday night I got a text asking if they could start tomorrow. Well, no. There were plans for Tuesday. However, Wednesday was cool to start.
So, Tuesday night I pulled out the fridge, the dishwasher, and the stove. They showed up on Wednesday. Since we picked a smaller tile, there was a discussion about the tile that we had chosen. The tile is a smaller brick style. This takes longer to install; there is more of it, more spacing, etc.
The job was planned as a three-day job. Wednesday was the installation of the backer board and prep (mostly backer board, as I had leveled the floor and removed everything). Thursday was installing half the tile. Friday was installing the next half, well, almost as there was one corner that is a tight fit between the cabinets and wall to finish. So, no using the kitchen over the weekend. We did go to D1’s house on Friday, with friends, pre-planned. Then, we went to D1’s house again on Saturday to make and eat dinner. Rm went to D1’s house to cook up some soup on Sunday.
Monday, tilers finished grouting the kitchen. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow (Tuesday) to clean up and start putting the kitchen back together.

Picture of white, bricks on a kitchen floor

Breakfast and a Show

On Saturday morning, since I couldn’t make pancakes, we went out for pancakes. We went to a local spot. We sat at the counter. The counter faces the servers and the kitchen. There was obviously a mistake made in entering another order. There was lots of discussion. A server came to get our order. More discussion between the cooks and the servers. Next, our server went into the back area and came out wearing a coat. She then walked out the door. The servers were confused and concerned. (** I truly hope that she is OK and whatever she is dealing with gets resolved.**)

Breakfast was terrific, it’s always good. I got the 2-2-2 Riverview. 2 pancakes (big as my head), 2 eggs (over easy), and 2 slices of bacon.

Screen Door

I made progress on installing the front screen door. I had to create a transom to support the door in the open position so that I could install the door hinges. I made an error in failing to account for the spacing of the hinges. This was a quick adjustment, and now the base of the door is installed. (It’s also painted, not shown.)

Front door of a house. The screen door is missing the glass panel. A ladder is in front of the doors. There are three wooden steps. There is also a drill laying on the steps.

WordPress Auto-Generated

The kitchen floor renovation began on Wednesday and finished on Monday. Due to space constraints, one corner took longer than planned. Accustomed to at-home meals, the author visited a local restaurant for breakfast while the kitchen was unusable. They witnessed an unexpected incident involving a suddenly emotional server. Meanwhile, they made progress installing the front screen door, overcoming minor errors in hinge spacing.

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