On Friday, I upgraded Moodle as the newest version fixes an issue with the Lesson Module. Great. Except, the site crashed during the upgrade cycle.

Great! Time to do some research. I headed over the Moodle Forums to see if this was a known issue. Yep. Yep, it is. That led to a Bug Report. Here I got enough information to get some things running again. I tried deleting different plugins, and adding them back in. No full fix, but I had access to my site.
Then, I flew too close the sun. I used the “uninstall” link from the Plugins Overview page, and broke everything.
I’ve been able to return access to my site. I don’t have everything fixed yet though.
I found an article on enabling “disable auto update” while installing. This involved uncommenting out a specific command in .config.php file. For me this was line 457:
$CFG->disableupdateautodeploy = true;
It is commented out. By uncommenting it (removing the //), it has allowed by site to update.
After doing this, I can uninstall plugins from the Plugins Overview page.
By deleting the // at the beginning of the line (those symbols comment out the line, which means that the program won’t run that command), the command is active and, tada!, I can complete the upgrade process.
So, a partial fix. I can now uninstall plugins, but I can’t install them. I’m going through to uninstall plugins that could be the problem, but I’m not completely convinced that this is going to solve the problem. At least the site is back up and available.
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