Well, given that I submitted my 19th consecutive 52Frames photo, and this is Weekly Review 10, I’m tracking at just about a “weekly” review every two weeks.

I’ve had a couple of interesting weeks though since my last posting.


First and foremost, Rm and I took a bit of a vacation. This seems odd to me as it was always tough to take a vacation during the school year. New times.

Rm and I went to see Cabaret at the August Wilson Theater in New York. The show stars Eddie Redmayne (the Emcee), Gayle Rankin (Sally Bowles), Bebe Neurwith (Fraulein Schneider).

The audience was requested to come in early as there were experiences before the show. The doors opened and we were led along a lengthy walk. Partway through, we were handed a shot of cherry schnapps. This was to be consumed prior to entering.

The Before Show show featured several dancers and musicians. It was well done and entertaining.

Cabaret was really well done and entertaining. There is so much applicability to our times. The cast was wonderful, filled with lots of good performances.

I did note that not everyone “dresses” for the theater. The prevalence of baseball caps and jeans on gents as old as or older than me was interesting.

This was a wonderful evening.

WordPress process

I think that I’ve found the process for embedding my pictures (for now). Generally, I upload my pictures to Google Photos, free storage, and then use Labnol to create a link to the image. This is because Google Photos doesn’t allow embedding. Anyway, I create the link in Labnol. Then I use the direct link (not the embed) to add an image in WordPress. I also use the direct link to add the “Featured Image”. Next, add the Alt Text, always add appropriate alt text.

OBS Frustration

OBS is powerful. I need to learn more about it. Every once in a while, a frustration point arises though. The current frustration point is that the mouse pointer is misaligned with the location on the screen. This makes it frustratingly hard to resize anything as it is nearly impossible to click a handle. I’ve been doing some research, but no answers as of yet.

Google Filters

I just went to save Filter view of the spreadsheet in Google Sheets, and things have changed. Not for the better.

It used to be that Sheets had a disclosure triangle next to the filter icon. Any saved filters would be listed. Very handy. Now, not only are saved filters hidden in a Menu item, but even getting to where you can save a filter is under the Menu item as well.

Camera Backpack

I’ve picked up a new camera backpack. I went with something a little different. I’m not sure different is good here, but we’ll see. This one has two sections, a top that is like a traditional backpack, and a bottom that opens from the front. The idea is that all of the lenses go in the bottom section, nicely protected, while the camera and accessories go in the top. One problem is that the divider uses velcro to keep the division. This took a while to get to where if felt secure. I’m still a bit suspicious of it.

Interview Project

I got the opportunity to teach a couple of eighth-grade classes how to record and transcribe interviews. They will be interviewing someone who has immigrated to Maine. They won’t appreciate how much easier transcription is now, but I sure do.


So, I’ve learned that the value of blogging is mostly very personal and limited. I’ve been extremely happy that I posted about something. In one case, I was looking for something really specific, doing the generic Google search, and found that the best write-up was by me.

So, I’ve learned to search my blog for questions that I have. In the process of doing so, I discovered a write-up on Being Quoted. This brought me a smile. Maybe I should randomly pull up a blog post in the future. Or, maybe I should find an application that randomly pulls up a quote from my blog for me.

Mother’s Day

Both kids were around for Mother’s Day. They made a wonderful breakfast of eggs benedict. There were also some plants planted.