
My mother-in-law arrived to visit. Her plane was delayed quite a while due to not having a pilot certified to land on a shorter runway. The Jet Port in Portland is renovating its landing areas and close the longer runway overnight. Since her plane was scheduled to land after 11 p.m., it would be using the shorter runway. Apparently, the co-pilot was certified to land, but they needed both pilots to be certified. It took several hours for a crew to be identified and assigned. An 11 p.m. pick-up became a 4:30 a.m. pick-up.


D2 has officially completed all the “graduation” stuff. She was willing to participate in the official commencement exercises, so we got to see her walk across the stage and get “hooded”. The trip was a nice time. My mother-in-law also was able to witness her graduating.


I’ve begun working on truly implementing workflows for work. We have a WordPress set up, the appropriate plug-ins installed (Gravity Forms and Gravity Flow), as well as the mail system. I had to take a break to work on some video work (see below), but it is coming along.

MLTI Conference

We took about 45 kids to the MLTI conference this year. I met them up at the University of Maine since my house is between work and the University. It was a nice experience for the kids. The kids attended two sessions plus a closing experience. I was assigned six eighth-grade boys. They were great.


I spent a full day and a bit time the next day editing a video for work. There was an important School Board Workshop. We use an OWLY to record the meeting. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really capture the slides being presented. So, I inserted the slides into the video. Thank you “Picture in Picture” within iMovie. This does take a good bit of work. Not the most exciting work, but important.

City Chicken

Rm and my mother-in-law made City Chicken (breaded chunks of pork and veal on a skewer) today. We invited a couple of friends over (who have never had City Chicken). This was the first time for Rm to make City Chicken.

As always with Rm’s cooking, the meal was fantastic. There was a crumble for dessert, with real homemade whipped cream brought by the guests. The company was great as well.


We took my mother-in-law for a trip on the Schooner Charm. Rm and I took her mom out on the Charm for an afternoon sail. The weather was sunny and beautiful. There was a hint of a breeze.

Rm was dazzling as always. Her mom was jacketed and hatted. Her mom said that she enjoyed the trip.

The Captain was entertaining. He relays the history of the schooner. It is easy to see that he enjoys doing this.


For dinner, we walked down to Nautilus Seafood and Grill. They have a pretty wide menu, helpful given my mother-in-law’s taste, so we were all able to find a good dinner. It was also surprisingly affordable. I had the Fish and Chips, one of my favorites, while my lovely wife had a Haddock sandwich. My mother-in-law had the pulled pork sandwich. They also had burgers, other sandwiches, and lots of seafood options.

52 Frames

I’ve now completed 21 straight weeks of the 52 Frames Photo Challenge.