Educator, Thinker, Consultant

Month: June 2024

52Frames – Negative Space

This week’s challenge is “negative space”. My first thought was about creating the negative space with black as the negative space. Hm. I thought about it some more and realized that maybe not black was needed, but a plain color. I like a local lighthouse, so maybe a shot of the lighthouse and sky.

Off I head to the lighthouse.

On my way in, I see a sign “Fresh Lobster Rolls”. Something about the sign grabbed my attention. I also looked at the American flag blowing in the breeze. But I was there to take the lighthouse picture. I parked and headed off to take a picture of the flag and the lighthouse. I took several of the lighthouse.


I took several shots of the lighthouse. I think that this one worked well for the negative space challenge. The sky is pretty consistent coloring with just a hint of the clouds on the far right.

The top of lighthouse. The lighthouse is white with a black turret.

I liked this one as it includes more of the lighthouse. Including the water adds a bit to the picture as well.

A lighthouse with a plain blue sky in the background.


I took a few shots of the flag. I like the balance of the clouds and the flag with this one. However, I worry that the clouds are a bit distracting for the negative space aspect.

An American flag backed by a row of clouds.


On my way in, I saw the “Fresh Lobster Rolls!” sign. I thought that it might work well for the challenge. Even though I had my lighthouse pictures, something about the sign stayed with me. On my way out, I stopped and took a few images.

I liked the coloring of the sign. I like the handwritten aspect of it. In the end, there was just something about it that struck me. So, this is the entry for this week.

"Fresh Lobster Rolls!" painted on a signboard.

52Frames – Portrait

The challenge this week is portrait. Technically, it is the portrait of a stranger. That’s not really my jam, so I did take a portrait, but I didn’t pick a stranger.

I ended up submitting this one:

A beautiful women smiles at the camera. She is wearing a flower print dress covered by a yellow and white sweater.

Having a gorgeous model meant that there were lots of good shots to choose from.

A beautiful woman smells a rose.

It was tough not to pick this one.

A beautiful woman holds a rose while staring at the camera.

She’s beautiful, but this looks too generic for me. This looks too much like a “brochure” picture.

A beautiful woman staring at the camera.

I love the smile on this one. I did manage to obscure most of the background as well.

A beautiful woman staring at the camera.

Assessment Reporting

I was asked to provide a data sheet for the NWEA assessment.

Interestingly, NWEA provides two spreadsheets with the necessary information. The first sheet (NWEAWinter20) is quite a lengthy sheet with all the testing information. This sheet includes testing dates, time on task, school, and the breakdown of all the testing. The second sheet contains the student information. So the first task is to copy the Student information onto a new tab in the Assessment sheet. Now we have all of the information on one spreadsheet (although two tabs).

Next, combine the student information with the assessment data. Good news is that since StateIDNumber is on both, this means a “simple” VLOOKUP.

I added five blank columns in order to merge the five data columns that I needed (StudentLastName,StudentFirstName, StudentMI, Grade, and StudentDateOfBirth). I left the first two columns (StateStudentID, and StudentID) in place. This allows me to use the first column for the LOOKUP. In cell C2, I added the following formula:

=VLOOKUP(A2,Students!$A$2:$G, 3,0)

The data that we want to copy over lives in columns C, D, E, F, and G. The data that we are matching (StateStudentNumber) is in column A. VLOOKUP’s must run off the first column. (* You can do similar things with different commands if you can’t use the first column.)

Let’s take a quick look the formula. We always start with an “=” to indicate a formula. “VLOOKUP” is our magic formula. This is a vertical lookup; meaning that the spreadsheet will vertically (thus the V).

Next, the A2 says to look at cell A2 to find a match. Thus, the StateIDNumber in A2 will be used to find the student on Student tab. Next, we have “Students!$A$2:$G”. Let’s break this one down. Since we are pulling the data from a different tab, we need to say which tab that is. Thus the Students!. Next, we add the range on that tab that we pulling from: A2:G. But, what about the $? We want to use absolute rows, thus the $. This means that the spreadsheet will always look through the whole column (note that we don’t close the G column so that we don’t risk “cutting data off”).

The next number maps to the column that we need. In this case, we are looking for the information in Column C (which is the third column, thus 3). Basically, wherever the information in cell A2 on our current sheet, matches the information in Column A on Student tab, the information in Column C (last name) will be inserted in this cell.

Finally, the last argument is a “0” meaning that we don’t have a header row. * We do have a header row, but we have skipped this in both spots for ease of use.

As we copy this formula down the column, the next row will change from:

=VLOOKUP(A2,Students!$A$2:$G, 3,0)
=VLOOKUP(A3,Students!$A$2:$G, 3,0)

The only thing that is changing is the first argument (A2 becomes A3) which is referencing the StateStudentNumber for the next row.

For our First Name column (Column D), we use the same process, but change the Column imported to 4. Thus, the formula for cell D2 becomes:

=VLOOKUP(A2,Students!$A$2:$G, 4,0)

Next, comes StudentMI (Column E). The formula for cell E2 becomes:

=VLOOKUP(A2,Students!$A$2:$G, 5,0)

Grade is our next column (Column F). You guessed it:

=VLOOKUP(A2,Students!$A$2:$G, 6,0)

Finally, Birthdate (Column G).

=VLOOKUP(A2,Students!$A$2:$G, 7,0)

Now we have all the students combined with all the assessment data. Cool! However, there is tons and tons of data here. There is a mix of Mathematics and Language Arts.

The request was to create a tab with selected information:

  • State ID
  • Student ID
  • LastName
  • FirstName
  • MI
  • Grade
  • DOB
  • RIT
  • Percentile
  • Quartile
  • Lexile
  • Goal 1
  • Goal 1- RIT
  • Goal 2
  • Goal 2 – RIT
  • Goal 3
  • Goal 3 – RIT
  • Goal 4
  • Goal 4 – RIT
  • Goal 5
  • Goal 5 – RIT

Still lots of information, but much more focused.

So, we create a new tab. We name the tab “Math”. We now have three tabs: NWEAWinter20, Students, and Math.

Now we need a formula to pull just the Math information onto the “Math” tab.

Here’s our formula:

=QUERY(FILTER(NWEAWinter20!A2:ET,NWEAWinter20!M2:M=”Mathematics”),”SELECT Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col29,Col31,Col32,Col77,Col83,Col84,Col88,Col89,Col93,Col94,Col98,Col99,Col103,Col104 WHERE Col6>3 and Col6<9″)

Again, let’s break this down. We need a QUERY to pull the information from another sheet. We need a FILTER to, well, filter the information. The FILTER allows us to pick the tab (NWEAWinter20) and use the Column M (which is Subject: either “Mathematics” or “Language Arts”) to limit the results to that subject. This will only pull the test results that are Mathematics.

The SELECT says to just bring over the columns that we need. The first seven columns are demographic information, so we pull all of those. Next, we have to convert Columns to Numbers. Better Solutions had a terrific conversion chart. This tells me that Column AC is 29. The list of Columns pulls those columns listed above.

The last part is WHERE. The request was limited to grades 5-8. Column F(Col6) listed the grade of the student. Since I wanted grades 4-8, I used “L>3 AND L<9”.

Now that we have this set, we can do the same thing for Language Arts. Since we have the hard work done, we simply duplicate the “Math” tab, rename that tab “Language Arts”. Then we change the formula in cell A2 from:

=QUERY(FILTER(NWEA_Spring_2024!A2:ET,NWEA_Spring_2024!M2:M=”Mathematics”),”SELECT Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col29,Col31,Col32,Col77,Col83,Col84,Col88,Col89,Col93,Col94,Col98,Col99,Col103,Col104 WHERE Col6>3 and Col6<9″) to =QUERY(FILTER(NWEA_Spring_2024!A2:ET,NWEA_Spring_2024!M2:M=”Language Arts”),”SELECT Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7,Col29,Col31,Col32,Col77,Col83,Col84,Col88,Col89,Col93,Col94,Col98,Col99,Col103,Col104 WHERE Col6>3 and Col6<9″)

Simply changing the Filter criteria after the M2:M from “Mathematics” to “Language Arts” means that we are done.

Now we are ready to slice and dice the information even more. We can now utilize Pivot Tables, Filtering and more.

52Frames Challenge 23

The challenge this week is for a photo that describes a line from a song.

This week’s challenge is Line From a Song, and it might strike a chord with music lovers and visual storytellers alike. Dive into your favorite tunes and pick a line that resonates or sparks your imagination. Your task is to create a scene that embodies this specific lyric, capturing its mood, story, or message through your lens.

Whether it’s a dramatic scene inspired by a powerful ballad, a serene landscape that echoes a soft melody, or a bustling street scene that fits a rocking pop lyric, let the music guide your creative process. It can be a literal representation or a metaphorical one.

Naturally, please write a little in the description so your fellow Framers can know the actual line (maybe include the name of the song!) and have an idea about how the image and the song lyric speak to you. Rock on!

52Frames PHoto Challenge of 2024 – Line from a song

After thinking about a bunch of lyrics, I decide to go with “Black Coffee in Bed” by Squeeze. I figured that I could actually accomplish this one.

Picture of a notebook, lined paper, with a fountain pen on top of it. There is a coffee stain circling the word "Goodbye". The corner of a bed is slightly out of focus in the background.

The above was my original shot. I wanted it just slightly underexposed and with a bit of bokeh. After thinking about it, I decided to try switching to monotone.

Picture of a notebook, lined paper, with a fountain pen on top of it. There is a coffee stain circling the word "Goodbye". The corner of a bed is slightly out of focus in the background.

I decided that I preferred the monotone version as it conveys more of the mood and feeling that I was going for.

Library of Congress Chrome Extension

Seems as though the latest version of Google Chrome breaks the Library of Congress: Free to Use Browser Extension. This extension shows you a new Public Domain, free to view and use image upon opening a new tab.

I did reload the extension and clicked through the prompt to allow (it requires Manifest 2 or earlier), so it is working again.

I found this from the wonderful CogDog Alan Levine (Blog). Alan even has an update on fixing this issue from a while ago.

The extension brings me random joy throughout the day. You may want to check it out.

I would love if this was available for other browsers, but currently it is limited to Chrome.

Large crowd mostly wearing hats, pictured from behind. Bunting with stars and stripes hang from a large building. Men are lined up on a stage. The image is titled "Wilson Notification 1916".

Above is an example of an image served upon opening a new tab.

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