Seems as though the latest version of Google Chrome breaks the Library of Congress: Free to Use Browser Extension. This extension shows you a new Public Domain, free to view and use image upon opening a new tab.

I did reload the extension and clicked through the prompt to allow (it requires Manifest 2 or earlier), so it is working again.

I found this from the wonderful CogDog Alan Levine (Blog). Alan even has an update on fixing this issue from a while ago.

The extension brings me random joy throughout the day. You may want to check it out.

I would love if this was available for other browsers, but currently it is limited to Chrome.

Large crowd mostly wearing hats, pictured from behind. Bunting with stars and stripes hang from a large building. Men are lined up on a stage. The image is titled "Wilson Notification 1916".

Above is an example of an image served upon opening a new tab.