I’ve been participating in the 52Frames photo challenge. So far, I’ve been able to post a picture every week. This has led to some good learning and experiences for me.

This past week, the challenge was a “door”. The “Extra Challenge” was to tell a story. Here is my submission

A beautiful woman wearing a dress and hat is ascending stairs while opening a door to a house

I really like the way the picture turned out. It was a tough decision on whether to use the original color or the black and white version, but I think the black and white conveys the mood better.

The door is one that I reclaimed. It didn’t have any hinges, catches, or handles. Plus, a couple of the window panes were broken or missing.

I posted this to 52Frames as my submission with the following description:

The door is one that I built from a door panel. The model is my beautiful, fantastic wife. The older style suitcase and mood seemed to call for a monochromatic treatment.

We did just get back from a vacation (holiday).

Much to my surprise, and delight, I received the following comments:

Amazing build and great to see part of your story in a ‘tell a story’ EC week. You’ve nailed the retro vibe with what to me at least feels like early tv. Nicely done.

This was posted by a photographer that I very much admire.


Well done! I like the inclusion of your wife to create a story for the image.
From another creator.

These little things can feel really nice.