I found a post about shaving being too expensive from the wonderful Thought Shrapnel by Doug Belshaw. This struck me as I switched to shaving with a “safety” (double-edged razor) several years ago. The reasons that I switched included: to cut down on waste, be more ecologically responsible, save money, and get back to basics. There is something satisfying about small processes that take attention. (This is true for making coffee for me as well. I generally make coffee in a French Press. I like the intentionality of the process.) I also prefer using shaving soap instead of shaving foam. Shaving foam always felt weird and fake to me. Shaving soap feels much better and more natural. Again, there is an intentionality involved. It doesn’t take much longer, but it certainly feels better.

I’ve realized that there are several things that I prefer to have intentionality. Things where I prefer the “old” way of doing things. For example, I still drive a car with a manual transmission. This may be my last car with a stick, but I enjoy the process of driving.

John Whiles has an interesting article. It really reminded me of how important intentionality is for me.