Educator, Thinker, Consultant

Category: Thoughts (Page 7 of 18)

“You Raised Us Right”

I got a text message the other day. The message read “You raised us right”. This got me thinking.

Since making the recent life changing announcement that I’m changing jobs and moving, I’ve been thinking about whether or not I made a difference. I have been very fortunate to have many opportunities. I hope that I’ve made the best of those opportunities. But I still wonder. Have I made a difference?

I received the text from one of my wonderful Tech Coaches. They are scheduled to be interviewed by Mitch Albom. They will be talking about student-centered learning. Student-centered learning is something that we’ve talked about consistently over the last five years. It is one of my drum beats.

The Tech Coaches are fantastic teachers. (That was the major criteria for selecting them long ago.) Obviously, I didn’t “raise” them. I interviewed and selected them for the position, sure. But they are self-starting, highly effective, teacher leaders. We talk every week so that they know my vision (OK, so that I get to talk about teaching and learning) of education. Oh, and how technology fits into that vision.

At the heart of the last few years has been that working together, we’ve created, adjusted, monitored, adjusted, developed, adjusted, and, well, adjusted the Tech Coach position. We talk regularly, but the crux of the situation is that both Amy and Bob are excellent teachers, great learners, and powerful leaders. They have developed the Tech Coach position into a potent instructional role. I can only hope that I’ve played some small role in that.

Now, I will say that the Tech Coaches have shared positive stories with me. They have been up front about telling me that I’ve made a differnce for them. I do truly appreciate their kind thoughts and feedback.

But, I also wonder about my time throughout the district. What about my time as a principal? As an assistant principal? As a teacher? Could I have made a bigger impact?

I’ve been fortunate to work with great teachers and great teams. Seriously, I hardly touched the great people and impressive work that they did on my long screed. I’m honored to have been a small part of that.

It’s human nature to look back occassionally and wonder “how you did”. Teachers frequently aren’t told about the number of lives that they’ve changed (and saved).

For now, I’m taking the “You raised us right” as the highest of compliments.

Past, Present, Future


Clara B. Ford

Clara B. Ford is no longer part of Dearborn Public Schools. Many people may not even know that Dearborn Public Schools provided the educational experience for the girls at Vista Maria for quite a few years. The staff was passionate and compassionate. The girls needed someone on their side, but people who would also hold them to high standards. The staff at Clara B. Ford were angels.

I met and worked with a wide variety of wonderful people at Clara B. Ford.

Terry Campbell – Terry Campbell actually pre-dates Clara B. Ford. He was one of my first mentors. From him I learned the power of authenticity and truly being yourself. His humor and pragmatism continue to be an influence.

Patricia Claremont led the way on renaming the school to Clara B. Ford and adopting an angel as the mascot. Ms. Claremont was instrumental in developing a culture of passionate support for the girls. Sometimes people end up in a place that it the perfect melding of who they are and what that place needs. This was Pat Claremont.

There were so many wondeful teachers who combined to support kids and develop powerful learning.

  • Tony Amorose – Mr. Amorose taught the girls practical science. Or, he taught them science in a practical way. We had great fun teaching the kids. We even had a few strategies that helped the girls decompress, focus, and have some fun (if you ever need a left-handed, brass circuit shifter, we’ve got you covered).
  • Tom Robinson – Mr. Robinson provided an easy-going role model for the kids. He lived in a way that let the girls know that they too could be successful.
  • Joe Shannon – Shakespeare in a lock-up facility? Yes. Mr. Shannon had high expectations and a belief that the girls could understand classical literature.
  • Steve Scott – Easy going and thoroughly invested in the success of the girls, Mr. Scott taught math. I had the pleasure of team teaching with Mr. Scott as well. From him, I learned that traditional methods don’t always work. You’ve got to be willing to stretch and find what truly works for the students that you have with you.
  • Jennifer Pegouske – Ms. Pegouske was able to take the girls’ love of music and focus that on success and achievement. She was greatly skilled at finding the strength of the girls and leveraging that.
  • Andrea Lazarski – Ms. Lazarski taught math to the girls. She was passionate about their success. She was also “cool under fire”. One day when I was walking by her class, a girl called her out as being a “blond-haired not very nice word here”. Ms. Lazarski cooly answered, I don’t have blond hair.
  • David Tucker – Mr. Tucker has remained a great friend even though he left the district for Administrative opportunities. He designed some of the curriculum that we used. He also really gets middle school kids. He focuses on what we can do to make sure that ALL kids are truly successful.
  • Jan Hathaway – Ms. Hathaway taught the girls employment skills and how to be successful. We had a good many PC versus Mac discussions as well.
  • Karen Pikula – Ms. Pikula taught the girls class and grace (along with Science).
  • Carol Cizek– Ms. Cizek and I team-taught. We learned the power of playing off the strength of another adult. Neither one of us knew everything, but we were willing to learn from each other. We modeled learning for the kids and had a blast doing it.

This is not a complete list. There were many other teachers, staff members, and others that taught me so much.

I learned so much from teaching at Clara B. The girls were brutally honest about what they needed, what they wanted, what worked, and what didn’t. Their creativity, passion, and resolve has always inspired me.

When I started at Clara B. Ford, our internet connection was through AOL. We had 10 hours of connectivity per month on one computer. Eventually, I installed our first Wifi (an Apple Airport). I can’t tell you the magic of using a computer (an iBook) while walking down the hall or going from room to room. It was pure magic (and the PC person, Hi Jan, was deathly jealous).


Woodworth Middle School is such a fantastic place. I had an opportunity to work with so many wonderful families, teachers, educators, and community members.

Gail Shenkman was another one of my mentors. Gail was a gigantic influence for me. Her passion for truly making every decision in the best interest of the kids was fundamental for me. For her, decisions were always centered around the kids. Not just in name, but in reality. I am forever indebted to Gail for so much.

Here are a few of the wonderful teachers that I had the pleasure of working with. This is not a comprehensive list. Although these teachers had different personalities, different temperaments, different backgrounds, and different experiences, they all shared a common belief that our kids could learn and go. That growth and knowledge was not just limited to standardized test scores, but learning and growing into truly great humans.

  • Tess Dowgallo – Ms. Dowgiallo taught the “whole child”. I know that the “whole child” concept is a bit of a cliche at this point, but she really did. Advisory wasn’t just on the schedule for her. She used Advisory to get to know kids and help them shape their future.
  • Deb Albrecht – one of my Assistant Principals, Deb understood that kids were going to make mistakes. She preached acknowledging your mistakes, making amends, and moving forward. (Plus, I’ll never forget “if I was baking a cake and put just a little dog poop in it, would you eat it?….no, but it was just a little” as part of a conversation on how little bits of things are still wrong). I grin frequently at that overheard conversation.
  • Maxine Saad – Mrs. Saad helped so many kids transition from being 5th graders to 7th graders. She was their demanding Mom (in a great way). Plus, I’ll never forget the day that she walked into my office and announced “I’m XX years old and I’m going to tell you what I think”. The great thing is that she had so much class, was so polite, and so gracious, that she did so respectfully. I always encouraged honesty and frankness anyway.
  • Brian Batcheller – Mr. Batcheller taught kids practical, hands-on skills. He frequently “adopted” those students who needed a bit of extra tender loving care; those students who weren’t always traditionally successful in school. He helped give them real-world experience, find things that they could excel at, and find joy in school. Mr. Batcheller was just as likely to be in the hallway with kids racing mouse-trap cars or building cardboard boats as anywhere. He brought a lightness and joy to middle school.
  • Jennifer Fryzel – Ms. Fryzel was the absolute epitome of a dedicated, successful teacher. Students had to work really, really, really hard to not find success in her class. She held every student accountable to what they could become (while providing every possible support to help them get there). She was one of my first “loopers” (teachers who looped with their kids across grades). However, her impact reached far beyond just her class. She was instrumental in all of our school improvement work. There are students who are extremely successful and owe a good part of that success to Ms. Fryzel even though they don’t know that.
  • Michelle Bissonette – teaching Math may have been the scheduled class, but life is what students learned about with Ms. Bissonette. Oh, they learned math too. Students learned fundamentals and were prepared for thinking, computing, and the math that would come. But life skills, especially for girls, was the real lesson.
  • Olga Dub – Dr. Dub provided cutting edge experiences with technology. She was wonderful and helped our seventh graders learn and grow.
  • Melanie Mily – Ms. Mily always had a smile for everyone. She was also completely dedicated to Dearborn and the whole community. Officially, she taught Physical Education. Realistically, she taught girls how to be the very best that they could be.
  • Joseph Robar – Mr. Robar taught Physical Education for many years. He was patient and professional in dealing with middle school boys. He was greatly appreciated in PE class, but cafeteria duty as well.
  • Sandy Ban – Ms. Ban was an institution at Woodworth. Ms. Ban not only knew every kid, she knew their brothers, their sisters, their cousins, their parents, and probably their grandparents too. Ms. Ban lived in the neighborhood. She made Woodworth come alive. Officially a secretary for the building, she taught kids so much. She taught them grace, respect, and, in many cases, how to tell time. No matter how much she had to do, she always had time for kids. She made me a better Assistant Principal and Principal.
  • Kathy Wilson – Ms. Wilson ran a tight ship. (It doesn’t really matter who the principal was, Ms. Wilson ran much of the school.) A bit curmudgeonly on the outside, she fought hard for students all the time. Because of her knowledge and passion, kids had access to lots of learning opportunities.
  • Jeff Tapp – Mr. Tapp led our kids to understand how powerful positivity can be. He always had a smile and a positive attitude for the kids.
  • Kathy Duquette – Ms. Duquette led so many kids to a successful sixth-grade experience. She used every tool and strategy at her disposal. Ms. Duquette used technology, materials, and real-world experiences to teach kids. She truly made an impact on all of her students.
  • Mona Jalloul – Dr. Jalloul set the standard for our kids. She would accept nothing less than the absolute best for all of our kids. She was a role model for many of our students. She shared so much knowledge with the rest of the staff to make sure that not a single kid was left behind.

The next three shared the role of “Mom” for many of our kids (especially our new comers).

  • Salwa Mawri – Quiet, calm, and a true role model. Ms. Mawri worked incredibly hard to truly demonstrate to the kids that they could succeed.
  • Jamile Fawaz – Ms. Fawaz always has time and attention for those that need it most. She took those that needed the most and gave them all that they needed.
  • Mary Chamseddine – Ms. Chamseddine was the “original” school mom for our kids. She took all under her wing. She connected with families, staff, parents, students, and the community to let them know that “her” kids weren’t going to fail. And “her” kids didn’t.

I was honored to have been acknowledged as Administrator of The Year by the Michigan Association of Middle School Educators (MAMSE). Being recognized by a state-wide organization is quite a good feeling. Being recognized as the Administrator of the Year wasn’t just a personal accomplishment, but an acknowledgment of the hard work that the entire staff undertook.


Technology Director

I’ve enjoyed quite a few things that I consider successes as the Technology Director. The Department has been able to provide timely, powerful service. We’ve empowered teachers to teach and students to learn. We’ve created a safe, productive environment for education to happen.

All of that wasn’t me. We have an absolutely terrific team in the Technology Department.

  • Chris Kenniburg – Mr. Kenniburg is a true gift to the district and the students. He is a product of the district. He has one of the biggest hearts of anyone. He has done tremendous work in supporting the students, teachers, staff, and administrators. He was a little worried when I first joined the Department (especially about the “buttons that kill”), but I think we’ve gotten through that. Many not know that he is internationally recognized for the work he has done for our students.
  • Jean Brackett – Ms. Brackett has been my right hand since I started this gig. She is incredibly well-organized. She is absolutely instrumental to the running of the Technology Department.
  • Cheryl Mattern – Cheryl has steadied our secretarial support. She has brought the ability to provide training for all of our secretaries. Her background in working in the schools has allowed us to train and support staff throughout the district.
  • Sean Williams – Mr. Williams came to us after earning his degree locally. He is fully committed to “doing the right thing” at all times, even when it isn’t easy. His intelligence, passion, and sense of humor make him a great fit. He has saved the district so much money, time, and effort.
  • Tim Thomason – A Detroit Tiger fan who keeps our network up and running. Tim is one of the “behind the scenes” heroes.
  • Scott Tobias – Scott keeps our myriad of instructional programs up and running. Without his constant diligence, many of the programs just wouldn’t work.
  • Richard Maske – Richard might be the most important employee that you’ve never heard about. Hidden away in the Head End Room, he keeps all the servers serving. (He also has a quiet sense of humor).
  • Shane Robertson – Shane has been a terrific addition to the staff. He has stepped up in making our Help Desk a cornerstone of the department. He also has good taste in music, Combined with the rest of the staff, They Might Be Giants.

The Building Techs:

The building techs are a wonderful group. Frequently, they are “unsung heroes”. The Techs keep things running even though technology is constantly changing. They perform their duties with passion, grace, and good will. The Techs make is possible for the rest of the staff to focus on teaching and learning.

  • Jamall Adora – Gentle, polite, and salt of the earth. Jamall has been recognized for his work by many. He is truly a gift to the district.
  • Jamal Saghir – Compassionate and understanding, Jamal fights for his buildings and community with a positive determination.
  • Stephen Flaig – Dedicated beyond belief, Stephen doesn’t just go the extra mile, he goes the extra marathon. Our drummers might be different, but we both believe in supporting students.
  • Gordon Scannell – Gordon helped bring the space to our students.
  • John Gibbs – John is one of our “community builders”.
  • Rob Perna – Rob moved from the Help Desk to the buildings while continually supporting our students.
  • David Neiman – a gifted and passionate hire. He has a great sense of humor (even if I have to explain some of my obviously humorous references due to the age of the reference) and shares his up to date knowledge to keep the district current.
  • Emily Matlak – Emily has a well-rounded perspective that helps translate the technology to the teaching world.
  • Eric Hubbard – Our newest member, Eric is dedicated to helping the district through a wide variety of means.


Technology Coaches

I’m extremely proud of the work that the Technology Coaches have done. They have helped so many teachers and students. They have developed deep, powerful pedagogy to infuse technology appropriately into education. They have developed strategies that are focused on student-centered, student-powered learning. They truly understand how technology can change the possibilities for teachers and kids. They go far, far, far beyond the shallow “shiny” technology tools that are empty promises.

I have no doubt that they will continue to influence and lead the District to truly helping all students.

  • Amy Gwizdz – Amy came from the elementary classroom. She brings a love of reading and elementary kids that provides a great perspective on technology use for the “littles”.
  • Robert Harrison – Bob is truly a blessing. A deep thinker and terrific blogger, he truly understands how to motivate, involve, and empower students to take charge of their own learning.

I will truly miss working together with Technology Coaches. The work that they do, the passion that they bring, the focus on student learning is a blessing.

Teaming the Building Techs

One of the first changes that I made was to organize the Techs into teams. This allowed them to build support, develop connections, and solve problems more quickly and efficiently. This was a change for them, but they fully embraced the concept.


We have put a wide variety of security policies and procedures in place. Our district has remained at the forefront of best practices. Security can lead to frustration as there is a balance between ease of use and security. Making things secure usually leads to things being a little less “easy” to use.

Ease of use

Although we have been focused on security, we’ve also focused on ease of use. One example is reducing the number of passwords that employees (and students) have to remember.

On The Road:

There are many things that I really wish that I could count as a success, but are still in process.

  • OER – I still believe that OER (Open Education Resources) can have a place in education. There is much work to be done, but this is a powerful concept. Once we truly get teachers empowered, they will be able to create, share, and remix materials. We have some structures in place, but there remains a good bit of conceptual understanding and “fine-tuning”.
  • Blended Learning – Technology isn’t always the answer, but technology can be a powerful lever for student learning. I’ve long been a believer that technology should be a tool that every teacher has in their “toolbox”. The pandemic has proven that some kids really benefit from technology. Great teachers can never be replaced by technology, but great teachers also use technology to help them reach and teach all kids.


So, why this long screed? Well, after some long hard thoughts and consideration, I’ve made a decision. I have had the pleasure to serve the district for over 30 years. I had originally planned on continuing this journey for quite a few more years. I was then planning on moving to be closer to my kids (who live on the East Coast). I’ve come to realize that instead of waiting ten years to move closer to my kids, it makes far more sense to move now and be able to enjoy seeing my kids. Thus, it’s time for me to move on. I’ll be here and available until June 30th. After that, I’ll plan on packing up and moving East to be closer to my kids.

Naturally, I also want to thank Dr. Glenn Maleyko for all his support. We served as co-chairs of the Technology Advisor Committee some years ago. I’ve appreciated his support of technology in learning throughout the years.

I’ll miss so many people. I’ll miss hallway conversations about learning practices, theories, and how we can help all our students. I’ll miss conversations that focused on student success. I’ll miss talking about real students, real teachers, and real practices. I’ll miss being able to joke with the “young-uns” on the staff, (and asking if they get the reference). Mostly, I’ll miss the relationships and the passion of some truly, truly great people.

I’m not sure what the future holds for me, but I am positive that the district will continue to succeed. The Technology Team is very skilled and dedicated. I know that I’m leaving the district in fine shape. I hope to have some overlap with the next Technology Director for Dearborn Public Schools. This is one reason that I’m sharing this news now.

I didn’t really note students individually due to privacy. There were so many students that I could thank for what they taught me.

Holiday Update


I’m counting my blessings this Christmas season. I have the most wonderful quarantine partner (and life partner) in my wife. We are enjoying deep conversations about what the future holds.

Even though we can’t be together with our kids or other family members, we do have each other. Technology allows us to be “with” our kids virtually on a regular basis. So, yes, I feel blessed.

My oldest daughter is now a homeowner. I really do miss being able to be with her and help with all of the “to-do” projects. I look forward to when we can be together and tile, or add electrical outlets, or fencing or whatever she wants.


I got an Apple Watch this Christmas. I’m truly enjoying this. I can see the motivation to move more, to excercise more, to be conscientious of healthfulness. It seems as though those little “pushes” can be powerful. I’ve learned this a couple of times (at least once with Badges in Moodle). I am a fan.

I also got a wonderful cap from Boston Scally. Quality is definitely worth the cost here.

Time to Reflect

I’m trying to take some time away from work as well. I’m still keeping up on email, but I’m limiting that time. Instead, I’m trying to take some time to reflect and rejuvenate. This is valuable time for me. I’m reading “The Promised Land” by Barack Obama.. (Ok, so actually, I’m finishing up How to be an Antiracist, by Ibrahim X. Kendi, reading “The Promisde Land”, and have Atomic Habits by James Clear on deck). Interesting to me, all are physical books. I was going to purchase the electronic version of “Atomic Habits”, but the physical version was cheaper. Go figure, the hardcover was cheaper than the electronic version. No reason to add logic into this.


This has also been a chance to connect and catch up with some friends. Even though we can’t go to restaurants and enjoy dinner and a beverage together, we have been able to connect regularly virtually.


I’ve been thinking about education tons. This is part of the rejuvenation process. I’ve spent time thinking about what education is and what it should be. I have ideas, which I’ve expressed in many situations and platforms. I’d like to be able to see some of them to fruition.


I’ve continued the Middle School Matters Podcast with the wonderful Mr. Shawn McGirr. If you’ve not listened, please do me a favor and go listen. We would really love your thoughts on the show. We’ve been doing the Podcast for over 10 years now. Shawn is a great teacher and a great friend. I’m proud of the work that we’ve done on the show.

After listening to Middle School Matters, try out The ArchiTechs of Learning Podcast. Although I don’t have a direct connection with this podcast, this is from my Tech Coaches (of whom I am overwhelmingly proud). They are smart, grounded in reality and excellence, and just wondeful people.

Double Death Backup

Well, my main computer decided it had had enough. I’ve been leaning on it for about eight years now. It decided that a whole clean, fresh reinvigoration was appropriate. OK. No big deal. Death number one is the OS.
So, clean install of the OS time. This will take some time, but not a hugh deal. Bringing the computer back to life all fresh and newly minted does have some advantages.

Clean install completed. Let’s rebuild from the back-up. This is where the dreaded double death comes in to play. While restoring files from the back-up disk, the back-up disk decides to give up the ghost too. Death number two.

Fortunately, I have a multiple back-up strategy. This is now going to take a bit longer. It’s always good to check your back-ups, but how about your back-up, back-ups? I was faced with the possibility of having lost some really recent files. However, I was confident that the important things would still be available.

Between utilizing several sync services, including Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and application specific sync services, I had ready access to the most commonly used and important information.

However, there are some files and information that I don’t want on those sync services. Those are kept in a couple of different places for security and privacy issues.

I’m happy to report that I was able to recover all of my files. I have another hard disk on the way to replace the one that went “kaput”. I still have a bit of work to do as I’m taking this “opportunity” to do some spring cleaning. Instead of blindly restoring everything, I’m reviewing files. I’m adding applications as I need to use them.

This seems like a good time to remind everyone (and me) to prepare for a computer crash BEFORE it happens. While we are currently living our lives more and more based on other people taking care of our data, if you do have data that is yours and yours alone (and you probably should), you’ll need to follow a robust back-up strategy.


Generally, a good back-up strategy follows the 3-2-1 method.

  • 3 copies
  • 2 formats
  • 1 off-site

The three copies is crucial. In my case, I lost two copies of many files: the file on the computer (i.e. the original) and the copy on the back-up drive. Note that the back-up drive was fine, UNTIL I called on it to do the back-up. Having a third copy was crucial for me.

Two formats is also best practice. This can mean burning the data to a CD, putting it in the cloud, or printing some of it out (yes, these should be very limited). Quite frankly, the two different formats is becoming a bit harder. At the very least though, make sure that if you are using just hard drives, that the hard drives are of different ages.

One off-site copy. I can’t stress the importance of this. Take a hard drive to a friends house. Put it in a locked box for extra security. Offer to keep a copy of data for them. You should remember to update this regularly, but it can be a good excuse to get together (when we can do that again). The key here is that a fire or local disaster doesn’t rob you of all your data.

Plan now

The most important part is to be thoughtful and vigilant about your back-ups. Add this to your calenadar. Put it on your To Do list as a recurring activity. Know what data is absolutely crucial to you. Evaluate where you are comfortable having that data. Make sure that you put your data in multiple places. (It’s also best if you create a little “catalogue” of where things are.)


Well, it’s been a while. There are a multitude of reasons for why I haven’t been posting lately, but I’ll explain them here. I do hope to be back to posting on a regular basis.


Obviously, the biggest issue over the last few months. Due to COVID-19, I’ve been working 14 hour days for six to seven days a week.

LMS Review/Implementation

The school district that employs me underwent a review of our LMS. As you might know from this blog, I’ve long been involved with Moodle. Moodle is a great, pedagologically sound (indeed rich), open-source LMS. Unfortunately, that power comes at a cost. Moodle needs to work on user friendliness. As a result, the district reviewed LMS options.

My charge was to select and implement a more “user friendly” LMS. I worked with a committee to do a full review, and select an LMS. Schoology ended up being the choice of the committee. The strenghth of Schoology is two-fold; ease of use and parent communication.

Unfortunately, we had an extremely tight time frame to implement Schoology. Even Schoology was impressed at the tight time frame that followed. I proud to say that my team and I got it done. We implemented things in weeks that normally take months.


Quite frankly, I don’t have a popular blog. Heck, I think that I might be the only audience. If my blog was more popular, I probably would’ve posted much more regularly.

I’m really ok with this, by the way.


I don’t post a lot of political things here. That doesn’t mean that I’m not political or passionate about politics. I am. I’m also privileged. Seriously privileged. I didn’t realize how privileged I was growing up. I still don’t fully grasp all of the ways that I am privileged. but I do recognize that I have advantages because of my gender and color of my skin.

I also don’t passionately follow social media. So, sometimes I miss movements, memes, and trends.

America still has a story to write. Our story until now is written. We can’t go back and change it. We can acknowledge it. We can move forward. We can take small, discrete, positive steps. Some of us will use those small steps to make great leaps. We will write the story of America. It is up to us to determine how that story goes.

What story will we write America?

Weekly Review

So, it’s been way more than a week since I posted a weekly review. I’ve been working lots and lots of hours over the past weeks. This left very little time. Unfortunately, it left very little time for much of anything. With a pandemic going on, and education trying to make some adjustments, my job has become overwhelming.


I’m working on a state committee that is trying to address Keeping Michigan Learning.

Meanwhile, I’m also working with teachers and principals to help them understand what technology can and can’t do. This is something that I’ve working on for the past 10 years. I’ve had a really tough time getting people to take action.

Seriously, here is part of the issue for me. Technology isn’t just “good for now”. These are skills and strategies that could have been assisting lots of kids. These are things that could’ve led to greater learning in students. We could have benefitted many, many kids.
But, I’m really not cranky about this.
There is an old adage.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best time to plant a tree is today.

So let’s plant some trees (metaphorically). Let’s not look at how we are going to survive the next four months. Let’s look at the next five years. How can we help kids learn? How can we help them become empowered learners?


On a personal level, I wrote a mailed a couple of good old fashioned letters today. These letters were sent off to my kids. It is kind of funny to call them “kids”, they are both mature, responsible, admirable adults.
I’m really trying to get back to some semblance of balance. I’m trying to do more around the house. I’m trying to take care of things that need to be taken care of.

I heard something about how some people are constantly just living day to day in this environment. I understand that. I’m really trying to live for today while planning for tomorrow.

Contact Tracing

Nicky Case has a wonderful, easy to understand explanation of how we could implement contact tracing without Big Brother issues. We certainly don’t know everything about COVID-19, but we do know that limiting infection is a powerful weapon. A problem with infectious diseases is that the infection frequently is “passed on” before the person realizes that they are indeed infectious. This would be a way to help prevent infections from continuing while still protecting our privacy.

Apple and Google have announced that they are partnering on contact tracing. It seems as though this is the methodology that they will be following. Apple notes that they will be utilizing Bluetooth and Cryptology.

I chose wisely.

I chose wisely.

Over 30 years ago, I vowed to have and to hold “for better or worse”. I may have the words slightly wrong as I was a bit nervous at the time. Never did we think that there would be a pandemic. We planned on kids. We planned on vacations. We planned on moving. We planned on houses. We didn’t plan on a pandemic.

I chose wisely.

Rosemarie is kind. She cares about others. She looks out for a wide variety of friends, friends of friends and strangers. She regularly checks on friends of our kids. (If you treat our children right, you are a friend, no other information needed.).

Rosemarie is beautiful. To this day, she is always the most beautiful woman in the room. She may balk at this one. But truer words have not been spoken. To me, she is beautiful. Gorgeous. Magnificently, stunningly radiant. Mesmerizing. Alluring. Captivatingly pleasing to the eye.

I chose wisely.

Rosemarie is smart. She is thoughtful. She relates to a wide variety of information. She persistently carries on intelligent, thoughtful conversation.

I chose wisely.

Rosemarie is a great cook. (This is not something to be taken lightly in a pandemic situation by the way. This is like hitting the bonus, bonus and getting the gold coins).

I chose wisely.

They say that two statistics see an increase after a pandemic: Birth rates and Divorce rates. I feel pretty doggone confident that we will not be contributing to the increase in either of those statistics. Over thirty years later, I’m still in love with the one that vowed to love for better or worse.

Video Conference Options

Lots of people are currently doing video conferencing right now. We are once again in the “wild west” of tools. On the plus side, our “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order would be very different without being able to video conference.

The ability to connect easily with loved ones and friends is powerful. To do so with “cost” (you still need an internet connection) is wonderful. It is far easier to accomplish than in the early days of video conferencing.

The ability to connect with students and work mates is similarly powerful. However, this is new territory for lots of people.

General Tips

  • Do not post the link to the video session on social media. Generally, anyone with that link can join. There are examples of people with bad intent joining video sessions.
  • Remember (and remind your participants) to carefully review what is in the video window. Sometimes things in the background reveal too much information.
  • Mute your mic when not actively talking.
  • Let others in the area know that you video conferencing. (There can be embarrassing comments made about friends or family).

Major Players

  • Hangouts Meet
  • Zoom
  • BigBlueButton
  • Jitsi
  • Facetime

Hangouts Meet

This is officially supported by many districts now. FERPA agreements are probably in place with Google. Hangouts Meet allows up to 250 participants. The teacher has control and can remove participants (other participants no longer have that ability). We can verify which students were part of calls.

  • Allows for recording by the teacher only. Recordings will be saved in Google Drive.
  • Only teachers can create a Meet.
  • Only the Meet creator can Mute or Remove participants.
  • Logging for FOIA is in place.

Hangouts Meet is available until July 1st for all school GAFE domains. The additional features may roll-back after that.


Zoom is probably the most popular right now. Many districts not have a contract with them to ensure FERPA compliance. The free version of Zoom does not include account management. Teachers really don’t have a way to confirm who is really on the video session. * We have had an issue of students posting inappropriate comments in a chat.

There are some additional features that Zoom has made available for now. Those will end at some point.

“For Districts just now utilizing Zoom in their distance learning facilitation, please be aware that Zoom is asking educational customers to manage their own COPPA compliance via parental consent.”

Zoom sends user data to Facebook.

Popular right now is Zoombombing. Zoombombing is joining a Zoom session and interjecting inappropriate content.

Suddenly, dozens of attendees were bombarded with disturbing imagery.

Please make sure that you check and set appropriate settings.


Skpe is being replaced. It is one of the older options. Skype is being replaced by Microsoft Teams.

BigBlueButton (BBB)

BigBlueButton is open source option that can be run by a district. Obviously, the district would need to have the hardward and personnel to install and maintain it. However, this set up has many advantages. Information is held within the district and not shared with an outside organization.

Furthermore, BBB can be integrated within Moodle. This provides for a seamless, accountable experience for all involved.

BigBlueButton is web conferencing designed for online learning. BBB includes the following features:

  • Participants limited to school Accounts
  • Live whiteboard that is multi-user
  • Webcam sharing (no time limit, no number limit)
  • Chat
  • Audio
  • Breakout rooms
  • Polling
  • Screen sharing
  • BBB overview for moderators

BBB has the ability to record if your organization supports it. For some districts, they may NOT have that turned on due to disk space.


Jitsi is an open source video conferencing option. It requires absolutely no sign-in and is completely free. You can add a password to the conference. You can also use a phone to access. There are lots of options (Share YouTube videos, shared document creation, tiled video, raise your hand, remove users, mute everyone, etc). There are apps for iOS and Android as well. Jitsi is based on webRTC, which is a current standard.

Here is a nice overview.

This is a really good option for adults. The one thing that is missing in this option is the creator/moderator role. Basically, all participants can mute or remove other participants. Thus, this is probably a great choice for adult teams, but should be used with caution with students.

The data doesn’t really seem to go anywhere. They are not collecting email addresses or other information. You can enter an email address if you want. You can also give them permission to connect to your calendar if you want to schedule meetings.

If you do use this option, make sure to create a complex, random meet name (or let them create the name). Otherwise, the meet may exist and you’ll be joining someone else’s meet.


Facetime is great. This is especially the case for family members. Facetime requires that all of the users be using an iOS (or Mac) device. It is really great for one-to-one communication. Facetime can be used with groups as well, but that is less intuitive.

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