Vacation Time
With a week off, it’s time for some fun and excitement. That’s right, it’s time to paint! Well, maybe not so much fun and excitement as a lot of work and disruption. However, I know that when it’s done, I’ll be quite happy.
More paint prep. This always takes longer than I think. Plus, doing two rooms seems like a bit more than twice the work. You’d think it would feel a bit less than two as it should be more efficient. This may be just a bit of mental jiu-jitsu. It may really take less time and be more efficient, it just isn’t feeling that way right now.
I bought two gallons of paint (different colors). As is usual, got a paint opening tool, a couple of spouts, and three stir sticks. Wait. Three stir sticks? What is the math that goes on in the head of the person mixing the paint?
Photo Challenge
I was able to submit for the Photo Challenge again this week. I actually had a couple of pictures that I liked.
Website Update
I finally got around to reviewing the theme for this site. I made a change. Originally, I was looking at some themes that are much more picture intensive. However, I realized that I don’t have a ton of highly engaging pictures of me, and no interest in trying to create them, and I prefer to have full blog posts displayed. Most of the visually focused themes default to the blog summary instead of the blog post. I’ve always focused on the whole blog post rather than the summary. In practice, this means that the summaries are less than ideal. I’m working on writing better summaries, but this means that a layout with lots of pictures and summaries didn’t reflect what I wanted.
A couple of “oldies but goodies” came up in some discussions today.
I have used both of these as discussion points. They are highly entertaining and generally useful to spur a discussion.