I keep track of the books that I read on this site. However, I rarely make an individual post. I should.

Focused on the development of air warfare, specifically bombers, this one tickled my love of history. I was fascinated by how the development of bombers was predicated on how things were “going to be” and not how they were.

Mr. Gladwell bases the story on two generals, Gen. Hansell & Gen. LeMay. General Hansell was a believer in precision bombing with the idea of saving civilians’ lives while quickly and effectively winning a war. General LeMay was a pragmatist who ends up using Napalm on 67 cities in Japan (with devastating results).

There are no easy answers here. What is “right” when it comes to war?

I end up comparing things to education and did so again with this. Is Technology just not quite ready yet? Will technology in education eventually become highly targeted in the future? And will that bring additional challenges?

This was designed as an audiobook first and then converted to a convention book. Get the audiobook on this one.”