Breakfast with a Beauty

Rm (who is definitely the beauty here) and I had breakfast at a new local coffee shop. Breakfast was terrific (we both had Eggs Benedict) and the coffee was good. We pretty much had the place to ourselves, one other diner with a dog arrived, which was nice.

I’m reminded just how special and enjoyable these moments are. I’m extremely blessed that I get to spend my life with her. I’m also blessed that we get to have moments like this.

Moodle Cross State

I’m lucky to be part of the Moodle Cross State group. This is a terrific group.


I’m working with the wonderful plug-in for Moodle called StudentQuiz. Essentially, the plug-in allows students to create quiz questions. These questions can then be answered by the students (for points). The students can also rank the questions.


The Maine Association of Middle Level Educators held its annual conference this past week and I got to go. It was very refreshing to chat with middle school people and look at things from a middle school learning perspective.

I also had an opportunity to chat with the wonderful Dr. Monte Selby. Surprisingly, he even remembered me from an interview that Shawn and I did with him many years ago. He really did remember me, beyond just being polite. Shawn and I interviewed Dr. Selby back in 2012 at NMSA (National Middle School Association) Annual Conference. It really does feel pretty special when someone of Dr. Selby’s ilk remembers you.


Keeping things in sync is nearly magical. The ability to do something in one place and have it magically show up in another is terrific. When this works, it is great. It doesn’t always work though. When it doesn’t, it is time to troubleshoot.


I love Joplin. I’ve used it for quite a while. However, it seems as though one device got a bit out of sync with the others. My working belief is that one of the encryption passwords is out of sync with the others.


I’ve been using NetNewsWire for years and years. It has a long history, but it is an open-source RSS reader. It is by far the best RSS reader around. I know that not many people use RSS, but I love it. I get control over what I want to read. Basically, RSS is like my social media site. It’s also like my own personal newspaper. I get to follow the blogs and postings that I want to follow. I have my feeds sectioned off into categories, and things mostly work great.

Recently, I noticed that reading things on one device wasn’t always syncing with the others. A quick trip to the support forums (done via Slack) and the developer answers the questions. He asks for a file to be shared. Bing, he answers the question with instructions on how to fix the issue. He also notes that an upcoming update will fix this issue.

So, I get better support from an open-source software solution than I do with most products that I pay for.


Logseq syncing is still a project for me. It doesn’t seem to sync reliably. I have realized that the sync is only really assured (happens?) when closing the program. This is not the way most syncing works. So, maybe it’s my fault?

I haven’t had time to fully investigate this issue, but I hope to at some point.