What a week this was. I base that largely on one event.

Disseratation Defense

My youngest successfully defended her PhD. She is now a Dr. Her dissertation, THE EVOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF AWNS IN THE GRASS SUBFAMILY POOIDEAE, allowed me to learn a bit more about what she does.

We left to visit. The night before involved a bit of last minute sewing and dinner. She was obviously very ready to defend her dissertation.

It was really wonderful to meet some of her colleagues. It was especially nice to her others describe her and her work.

She did the work. All credit goes to her. I’m just impressed and proud of the work that she has done.

Parent Night

I’ve also scheduled a Parent Tech Night for work. This will center on student use of devices, what the school does to help keep students’ safe, and what parents can do.


I posted an issue on Reddit about Darktale (menus not displaying correctly). It was deleted (pending moderator approval) as I don’t have enough Karma points.

Darktable issue was quickly solved through the Darktable forums though. And then I wrote it up.

Karma Part 2

Then there was this article on leaving teaching and going to work for Costco. Someone trying to tell me something?

In truth, the ex-techer makes more now as she has risen up to do training for corporate. The article headline is thus, a bit misleading.

Volunteer Sheet

I had to update the Volunteer Sheet. Thankfully, I had fully written up this process on this site. For some reason, I had to re-add the filter individually. Not sure why I had to do that, but everything works perfectly now.