Jason Isbell

We enjoyed the wonderful Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit live in concert this week. He is always good. If you get a chance, go see him.

The opener wasn’t our favorite. The concert did start on time, though the wait between the opener finishing and Jason Isbell starting was a little longer than I thought.


We ended up at CBG for dinner before the concert. It’s a nice little “dive bar”. I had a smash burger that was very satisfying.

Sam Spade Ending

Rm and I watched the rebooted Sam Spade. We enjoyed most of the show except for the ending. The show seemed to be more reflective of old-time shows. Clive Owen is wonderful. The whole show is beautifully filmed.

Ah, but the ending. Lots can be forgiven in a show. But the ending of this one was inexcusable.

Steak and Martini’s

Sometimes the very best dinners are at home. We had some wonderful steaks, with roasted potatoes, and carrots.

Plus, we hadn’t had martini’s in a while, so….

Perfect pairing.


I have kept my 52Frames streak alive. This week was on intentional camera movement (ICM). Although this isn’t my usual photography jam, I did enjoy the process and learning with this one. I want to experiment a little bit more in the future.

Faucet Switch

Also had the opportunity to help my daughter switch out a faucet. Having the right tools can be crucial. Sometimes, it is helpful if something is installed badly. In this case, the sink wasn’t actually attached to anything (other than pipes), so we were able to flip it over and get everything accomplished.


I finished reading The Bezzle by Cory Doctorow. The book is very much in line with Cory’s thoughts and focus of late. This is the second book in a series on Martin Hench, Forensic Accountant. It has a different style and feel than the first Martin Hench book (Red Team Blues). I enjoyed both books.


I also wrote up a quick post about Blogrolls. I based this off of a post by Ben Werd. As a follow-up, I heard from the outstanding Alan Levine.