Educator, Thinker, Consultant

Month: November 2024

Thoughts from: Hold Still A Memoir with Photographs

Hold Still A Memoir with Photographs by Sally Mann was the most recent book that I read. I have a write-up on my Book page.

One thing that struck me was that there was a bit about whether her Dad loved her. She states that her Dad didn’t share much affection. She also came to the conclusion that her Dad did love her. But that got me thinking. How will my kids remember me? Have I done enough for them to be absolutely sure that I love them?

I grew up in a pretty typical lower-middle-class family. My Dad worked as a machine repairman for General Motors. He worked long hours, and frequently afternoons.

I grew up with very traditional role expectations. When I became a Dad, I tried to be more involved with the kids. There were certainly many times that I deferred to my wife, but I tried to be fully present and participatory in my kids’ lives.

This led me to wonder if I made any difference as a middle school principal. That one I’ll probably never know. I do think back to situations that I wish I had handled differently.

I do truly hope that when I leave this mortal plane, my kids will know how much I love them.

A Different View on AI in Education

I found this post by Emily (I don’t know Emily, but apparently Emily Bender is a linguist professor) interesting:

ChatGPT Has No Place in the Classroom

If we value education, educators, and students, we shouldn’t look to technologists (and especially not techo-solutionists) to frame and solve problems. And we certainly shouldn’t redirect resources away from teachers to tech giants.

Are we going to end up pushing valuable resources and actual dollars to AI companies (i.e. tech giants)?

If we value information literacy and cultivating in students the ability to think critically about information sources and how they relate to each other, we shouldn’t use systems that not only rupture the relationship between reader and information source,

This is a crucial point. Teaching kids to think critically is our biggest challenge. I fear that we haven’t been extremely successful in that of late. However, AI tools are also coming. Those tools will be part of the landscape.

If we value inclusivity, both in terms of making sure all students feel welcome in the classroom and in terms of all students learning to see each other as fully human, we shouldn’t use software known to amplify biases,

This is a tough one. Bias is everywhere. We are biased. We can’t get away from biases, but we do need to be aware of them. We also need to teach about them.

Anyway, I found the post interesting. I don’t agree with everything in it, but I do think that we need to be critical thinkers ourselves.

Moderator Mayhem

Moderator Mayhem is a great exercise/experience in what moderation is like.

We hope Moderator Mayhem helps players understand these realities of content moderation and demonstrates what’s really at stake when policymakers propose legislation that would govern how Internet companies can host and moderate user content.

I would love to use this experience for middle school students, alas, the content is not middle school friendly. They are very upfront about this, there is a warning that the content is designed for 18 and up.

However, I believe a similar experience would be wonderful for middle school students. Naturally, it would be challenging to write those scenarios, but the concept of making judgments is important for kids.

I’m thinking of using Moderator Mayhem is an inspiration for creating a game of decision making in H5P. It probably wouldn’t end up being anything like Moderator Mayhem, but the inspiration would be there.

I would need to identify a similar set of decision-making options for kids. I could use the Branching Scenario or maybe Game Map.

Framadate for the Win

An issue came up where an Athletic Director needed kids to be able to “book” a bus. The AD started out using Google Forms, but this quickly became onerous. Too much information to collect. Too many days to cover.

After describing what was actually needed, I suggested using Framadate. This is a really neat site that is privacy positive.

Framasoft will not use your personal data, except for statistical purposes (anonymized) or to notify you of a significant change in the service;
Framasoft will not transmit or resell your personal data (your privacy is – really – important to us) ;

So, I set up an example and shared it with the AD. Since the “time” field is just a text field, I was able to add additional information (basically the location). This creates a view where the parent can enter the kid’s name and then pick the dates they want to use transportation.

The Admin gets a full list of the responses AND can download a spreadsheet if needed.

There are several settings available as well.

  • Password can be added
  • Full description can be added (with links to schedules and more information)
  • “Voter” can be allowed to modify (see below)
    • Nothing
    • Their own “vote”
    • Any vote (definitely would not want this on for this use case)
  • There is a Print button, but it doesn’t print the response, just the form

This allows users to “change their mind” as plans change.

Potential Issues:

  • The word “Votes” is odd in this setting.

While Framadate was not truly designed to be used in exactly this use case, it does work really well. It is a great resource.

Weekly Review 2024-14

Good googly, moogly, I need to rename this thing. This is only post 14, while my weekly photo challenge is 45 images.

Last Week

Last week was a tough week. The election did not go the way that I thought (hoped and prayed) it would. The next four years will be tough.

I won’t spend much time on this, but we did reach out to many people who will be even more intimately impacted than us.

Vacuum Cleaner

The brush for our vacuum cleaner broke. No problem in this day and age of the internet and everything being available, right? Wrong. Much searching led to, well, nothing. The part simply isn’t available. I did find a phone number to actually call Kenmore, wait, did I just say a phone number? Yes, yes I did. No online opportunities here. I made the phone call, waited on hold, then got to talk to someone. They don’t have them, but may be ordering soon. So, I have an order placed and will hope for the best.


Apparently, “everyone” is leaving Twitter, er X, for BlueSky. I’ve had an account on BlueSky, but I don’t really post there much. The thoughtful Cory Doctorow recently posted about not investing in other platforms that lock you in. I don’t want to invest in another platform as well. Seriously, go read the write-up by Cory Doctorow, lots and lots of good stuff in the write-up. I don’t want to have to move stuff. I want control over my data and what is happening with it. Thus, I’m trying to follow POSSE.

POSSE is Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere. Thus, I write here and then push those posts to Mastodon. Well, now I’m going to add BlueSky to that push. I’ve installed a plugin to make that happen, so we’ll see how much troubleshooting I have to do with that.

Oh, and I officially completely deleted my Twitter account. I had been holding off to retain my user name.


There was no podcast last week. There won’t be one this week either.

Winter Prep

I’ve done a good bit of prep for winter. I’ve put away the table and chairs that were on the deck. The boat has been nestled away.

Stained Glass Frame

My wife has created some beautiful stained glass work. I’ve framed the latest one in an oak frame. I learned a bit about the framing process and hope to apply the knowledge in the future.

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