Troy Patterson

Educator, Thinker, Consultant

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Enshittification and Owning Your Own Land

Owning Your Land

“Don’t build your house on land that you rent.”

I saw this somewhere today (lost exactly where, so I can’t link to it). The basic premise is don’t create all your stuff somewhere that someone else owns. We’ve seen this play out with Facebook and Twitter. Now more than ever, it is possible to own your own website and post to it. Not only that, but with the Fediverse, you can also automatically have those posts show up on a social media site. This was incredibly hard in the past. Thus, we were forced to choose between having your own website and the network effect of other sites.

In the past, it was difficult to own your website and leverage that to an audience. Developing an audience was difficult and limited. Thus, many of us felt as though we had to choose:

  • Own your information and posts
  • Have a chance at an audience and interaction

It wasn’t that many of us were looking for a huge audience, we were just looking for connection and interaction. Twitter was actually a huge part of successfully creating that audience/connections. After quite the run, we know how Twitter has turned out.

The Indie Web has long been focused on people owning their own material and interoperating. However, even the Indie Web was too complex and “fiddily” for most people. Recent advances have made connection and self-ownership much easier.


According to the American Dialect Society “enshittification” is the word of the year for 2023. Enshittification was coined by Cory Doctorow : (Pluralistic: How monopoly enshittified Amazon/28 Nov 2022). Please read through his write-ups, he describes the process of web sites, companies, and others moving from being powerful for users to powerful against users. This has increased the number of people who are willing and dedicated to taking back ownership of their material, thoughts, presence, and connections.

My story

This has lead me to be more thoughtful and willing to post on my own as well. I hope that you’ll join me.

Weekly Review 2024-03

Moodle Login

This was a great week for Moodle work. I’ve fixed the Moodle Login Page so that it looks and functions so much better (see write-up for details).

Apple iPad Training

I participated in a training for using Apple’s iPad with early learners. It was too generic for me. In order to really use iPads proficiently, teachers need training. Training is a rare and extremely valuable resource in education.

Friend Chat

I had the opportunity to have a great chat with a friend. We chatted about some educational things (he works in the district that I worked in for many years), photography (we’re both doing the 52Frames Challenge), families, and how to be better people. I always enjoy chatting with him.

Dog Walking

I was watching D1’s dog this weekend. I took her for a wonderful walk (well, 75% of the walk was wonderful). She did all the things (cleaned up after her), plus she got some really good sniffs in. This seemed to be especially the case where a set of tracks let to the woods.

However, on the way back, a dog came barking and running after us. The black dog attacked D1’s dog. They locked in, biting each other around the snout. D1’s dog probably had the better of the situation. The couple came running and we were able to get the dogs disentangled. They apologized a couple of times, but I was most concerned to get D1’s doggie home to see how she was. Fortunately, she had just a little scratch on the bottom of her jaw.

Please folks, know and watch your dog.


We made our first trip to Costco in several years. This is due to Costco opening in Maine. Naturally, we picked up a few things.


Just a quick note about Joplin. I use Joplin as my main note-taking app. I’ve added a couple of plugins that make it even more useful.

  • Journal – this allows you to quickly create a Journal entry for any day.
  • Note Tabs – this allows for multiple Joplin notes to be “open” at once.
  • MacOS Theme – just a visual thing.

Joplin syncs to all my devices through Dropbox. This means that I’m not dependent on any other service. (I could set up a NextCloud instance on my web server, but that isn’t necessary at this point.)

It works really, really well. This is how I write blog posts and many other things as well.

Now I Know

One of the few email newsletters that I have stayed subscribed to is “Now I Know“. The newsletter provides high-interest, entertaining, informative stories. This is a daily newsletter that I read, every day. It brings a bit of joy into my life.
Some recent topics:

Again, this newsletter brings me a bit of joy every day. I hope that it will bring you joy too.

Dan Lewis recently moved from Mailchimp to beehiv. Some subscribers were lost in the process. So, he’s now running a campaign. With 20 referrals, the referrer, in this case, me, gets a signed copy of one of his books.

Subscribe to Now I Know (and help me get a free book).

Moodle Login Page Updates


In my quest to make Moodle as easy to use and as efficient as possible, I’ve made two changes to the Login Page.

Reorder Login Fields

The first thing that I did was to reorder the Login fields. Generally, we want users to use the Login with Google button. Thus, I want this the topmost option.

I’ve already written this up, so suffice it to say that putting the best option first is important.

Button Color

Changed the button color of the Google Login button. Added the following code to the RAW SCSS intial field:

a.btn.login-identityprovider-btn.btn-block {

Note that the color (#ffff00) is a bright yellow.


I’ve added the following code to the CSS portion of our Moodle theme:

.loginform {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;


order: 2;
order: 1;
a.btn.login-identityprovider-btn.btn-block {

This accomplishs my goals of highlighting the action that I want my participants to take.

O Captain, My Captain

A man standing on a desk. An American flag is in the background along with a whiteboard.

The challenge for week 4 of the 52Frames Photography Challenge was to recreate a movie scene. I thought about a variety of movie scenes. All seemed either impossible or unreasonable to recreate. I then went through a few that were reasonable, but didn’t quite feel right.

After a bit of thinking, I decided upon the ending scene of Dead Poet’s Society. In that scene, the students stand on their desk, well, most of them do, in homage to their teacher.

I decided to ask a friend to stand on the desk. Quite frankly, I didn’t want to take too much of his time, so this was a quick shot.

I fulfilled the challenge, but I really didn’t push myself much. Partly, this was due to not wanting to take up much valuable time from someone else.

Moodle Login

More and more schools are transitioning to using Oauth for logins. Moodle allows for Oauth logins. However, by default, the Moodle Login box appears first, above the button to login using a service.

This causes lots of people to enter their credentials into the box. In our case, they are entering the “wrong” credentials (i.e. they enter their Google username and password instead of their district account username and password). This leads to frustration on the end user’s part. Signing in is a really bad place to frustrate users.

Knowing that Moodle is customizable, I know there has to be a way to fix this. A little bit of research leads to a couple of different options:

  • customize the CSS
  • use a Plugin

I start with the plugin (Login Splash Page). However, upon installing it, I realize that I need to redirect the login page. I decided that I’d rather not do that.

I found a couple of posts with ideas to customize the CSS. The best of which was a post by Steven A. Although the post says that you have to account for each section, my attempts didn’t support that.

I opened our Login page and right-clicked on it to select “Inspect”. This allowed me to verify the different elements present. (Plus, you can drag them around to change the order, which is useful and kind of cool). Anyway, I could now be sure what the name of each element was. Since the post indicated that you needed to account for all of the elements, I did so. However, the elements still didn’t appear in the order that I wanted. So, back to BBedit (where I had entered the appropriate code). I deleted everything but the two elements and Ta-Da!

In the end, I put the following code:

.loginform {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;


order: 2;
order: 1;

into the SCSS Raw box in the theme that we. That is, in Moodle, I went to :

  • Site Administration | Themes | LearnR | Look
    then clicked on the SCSS tab. I entered the code above into the “Raw initial SCSS” box, scrolled down, and clicked “Save”. (*Note that this needs to be done for each Theme that you use if you use more than one. Or, if you change themes in the future, this must also be updated in that theme.) Now, end users will see the Login with Google Button first.


Given the prevalence of utilizing Oauth, I hope that someone at Moodle will make this a checkbox preference in the future. However, at least for now, this is set for me.

Weekly Review 2024-02


I am but an imperfect vessel.

I’m afraid I got caught up in who if anyone was following my online scribbles. I don’t really think that there are many people who follow my writings, and I do write for me. I have found that future me really appreciates when present me documents some things that I’ve done.

Still, it is nice to get some feedback every once in a while. It’s nice to know that there is someone reading. So, I posted about asking for subscribers to my website. Thankfully, the wonderful Ben Werdmuller commented that some people follow on RSS. A bit of embarrassment for asking, and a reminder that I follow lots of people via RSS as well. I really should shoot some of them a note of appreciation.


The version of Moodle that I installed turned out to have an issue with the Lesson Module. I use Lesson extensively. This was part of our Annual Training course, so I needed to fix that. A bit of research showed that the Lesson issue had been identified and resolved. So, I installed the lastest version. Except, either I didn’t uninstall a plugin correctly before updating or there was an issue with some plugins during the update process. In checking the Tracker, there was an issue with some plugins, which may or may not have partly my fault for not running the plugin update prior to the Moodle update. I’m not sure if I did or not, but I totally agree that I could’ve missed that step – lesson learned. Anyway, the update resulted in being stuck at the install level. I was able to troubleshoot and re-enable acces that site, but I couldn’t install new plugins. Thankfully, the issue was fully identified and resolved with the next weekly update. So, once again, Moodle is up and running. Everything has been restored. A lesson has been learned. A reminder that the Moodle community is awesome.


We’ve had some winter weather lately as well. We had a two hour delay to starting school on Thursday due to ice. Last Tuesday, the district scheduled an early release due to impending weather. Since notice went out early enough, I was able to work remotely. This allowed me to get a specific project completed.

52 Frames

So far, I’ve submitted something for each week of the 52Frames Photo Challenge. I still would like to spend more time on some of the submissions, but I’m taking the submissions themselves as a win. I also really appreciate some of the feedback that I’ve gotten on photos posted.


I’ve long been a Lions fan (which by definition also means I’ve been a long suffering Lions fan.) It has been quite the thrill to see them winning. They have been playing entertaining football and really seem to have found the right combination of leaders. So, Go Lions!!!

Mastodon and WordPress

First of all, I love that I can post to my blog and have that post automatically be posted to Mastodon as well. This has partially changed my relationship with my blog. I’m posting much more to my blog, knowing that I get an increased audience opportunity by also going to Mastodon.

Basically, I post to my blog and everything flows to Mastodon. I use the Mastodon Autopost plugin. This allows me to control whether a blog post goes to Mastodon or not (via a simple checkbox in the side panel). I installed this prior to the ActivityPub plugin being available. Plus, the ActivityPub plugin wants to use the name on my admin account, which is not my name, and I haven’t found an easy way to change that. Autopost works for what I want.

However, when I post, if I use the built-in Featured Image to set a featured image, the ALT-Text doesn’t stay with the image. That is, I’ve entered the ALT-Text for the image within the Media Library, but that ALT-Text doesn’t make it to Mastodon.

I frequently use a Featured image plugin that allows you to use a URL as the featured image. This is my preference since I don’t have to take up space on my server. If I use the Featured image plugin, I can click the Preview button and see the image, PLUS, I get an ALT-Text box. I can enter ALT-Text here and it will travel to Mastodon.

Mastodon has a culture of providing ALT-Text. I want to be a good citizen, respectful of users who need ALT-Text, and do the right thing.

So, this may be a tip that the Featured image plugin will allow you to provide ALT-Text (remember to click the Preview button to be presented with the ALT-Text box). OR, this might be a request to know if there is a way to get ALT-Text to travel from WordPress to Mastodon.


On Friday, I upgraded Moodle as the newest version fixes an issue with the Lesson Module. Great. Except, the site crashed during the upgrade cycle.

Great! Time to do some research. I headed over the Moodle Forums to see if this was a known issue. Yep. Yep, it is. That led to a Bug Report. Here I got enough information to get some things running again. I tried deleting different plugins, and adding them back in. No full fix, but I had access to my site.

Then, I flew too close the sun. I used the “uninstall” link from the Plugins Overview page, and broke everything.


I’ve been able to return access to my site. I don’t have everything fixed yet though.

I found an article on enabling “disable auto update” while installing. This involved uncommenting out a specific command in .config.php file. For me this was line 457:

$CFG->disableupdateautodeploy = true;

It is commented out. By uncommenting it (removing the //), it has allowed by site to update.

After doing this, I can uninstall plugins from the Plugins Overview page.

By deleting the // at the beginning of the line (those symbols comment out the line, which means that the program won’t run that command), the command is active and, tada!, I can complete the upgrade process.

So, a partial fix. I can now uninstall plugins, but I can’t install them. I’m going through to uninstall plugins that could be the problem, but I’m not completely convinced that this is going to solve the problem. At least the site is back up and available.

52 Frames Week 3

This week in the 52Frames photo challenge, Black and White was the theme. The bonus was to use film. I was out on the bonus. I had several black and white candidates that I took. I tried to get a shot of the trawler that was beached in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. I couldn’t get any good pictures there, but I did a lighthouse picture.

Ideally, I think that I could’ve gotten something with more contrast. I’m not unhappy with this one though. I think the pure white of the lighthouse and building works.

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